Why New Zealand Businesswomen Training Suite?
The New Zealand Businesswomen Training Suite is a vital part of the support we offer businesswomen. We believe that to succeed in business, it’s important to grow, both professionally and personally. This growth equips businesswomen to deal with change and find new opportunities.
To assist this growth, we offer relevant, powerful, and practical training and coaching programmes, which are created and delivered by experienced coaches and experts in their field. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, collaborative environment for attendees to learn key business and personal development concepts. As well, the programmes are structured so that attendees can deepen connections with other businesswomen. Because the best investment you can ever make is in yourself!
Your business will NEVER outperform YOU as the leader of it. The secret to your success is the value you add – to have more you simply have to become more, don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. For things to change, you have to change and for things to get better, you have to get better. Is it possible to become really valuable via your business? Yes! You do that by working on yourself and your own development
It’s incredibly important to invest time and money working ON your business. Setting aside regular time in your diary for planning, upskilling, strategizing, dreaming and IMPROVING how you do things is the key to building a sustainable business.
Opportunity is everywhere. How are you going to add more value to your clients. How are you going to earn more and increase your impact?
Think about it – if you only ever focus on the ‘same stuff, different day’ bits of your business, your chances of creating the business you really want are small. When you place intentional focus on improving yourself, your skills and your systems and processes you can’t go anywhere but UP!
That’s what the New Zealand Businesswomen Training Suite is all about, helping you step up in your life and your business – learn how to add more value by using the best asset your business has – you!
Pricing per workshop
Here’s an outline of what is available via the New Zealand Businesswomen Training Suite:
90 Day Coaching
“No problem can be solved with the consciousness that created it.”
We often get stuck in our own way and go round and round in circles. Do you sometimes question where you’re at, why you’re doing it, what you’re doing or get frustrated because things are simply not ‘coming together’?
That is where a Coach can help – a good Coach is a professional who can give advice and feedback based on the real business needs. A good coach combines experience and coaching, listens, asks the 101 annoying questions that lead to clarity. Simply working with a coach is about improving performance and focusing on the ‘here and now’. Coaches are objective and will see your business clearer than you simply because they are on the ‘outside looking in’.
90-day Coaching works because:
- It’s a short time frame – but long enough to put plans in action and start seeing results, which in turn is motivating.
- You focus on specific goals, turning them into executable and manageable plans.
- It reduces the feeling of overwhelm – you’ll go from feeling desperate to supported and accomplished.
- You have a definitive deadline to get things done.
- It makes you accountable (weirdly, we all do things when we know someone else is going to check up on us – remember homework?!)
Within our Management Team and our community, we have Coaches in most business areas – if you’re looking for some help get in touch!
Financial Fitness
How often have you thought to yourself, ‘I really should get more in touch with my numbers’ or ‘I know I need to meet with my accountant more often, but I just have no idea what they’re talking about most of the time!’ or ‘Numbers just aren’t my thing.’ If your eyes glaze over when the topic of business finances comes up, don’t despair! We know that every business owner needs to understand their business finances but that, for some, it doesn’t come naturally or easy.
That’s why we’ve created ‘Financial Fitness’ – a comprehensive workshop that will help empower you to dig into those numbers without fear! In this value-packed workshop you’ll learn the best financial practices to follow, understanding GST, financial reports (and how to read them!), getting paid on time and effective pricing.
This is an essential workshop for any businesswomen – Make sure the financials are under control so you can make money while doing what you love. Walk away from this workshop feeling knowledgeable and empowered and ready to succeed financially.
More Money More Freedom:
Money! It’s one of those topics that excites some and terrifies others! Regardless of how you feel about your personal finances, the key to building stability and wealth starts with education! According to Warren Buffet- the two things you should constantly invest in: your ability to make money and your ability to make money work for you.
Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing. This workshop will address that as well as some of the questions below, you will then be in a better position to make educated decisions for yourself. Learn:
- How compounding interest can work for you (and more importantly, how to work it out!)
- What’s the difference between a term deposit and a bond.
- Why is saving and investing so important?
- Should I participate in Kiwisaver if I’m self employed?
- How does inflation affect everything?
Investing 101
Investing, how, when and what you invest in is important and this workshop will run you through the basics:
We’ll be looking at:
- Should you participate in Kiwi Saver if you’re self-employed?
- Is Property the right way to go (at least it’s something you can see and touch!)
- What does diversification mean for me?
- How do I start an investment account (or, don’t I need heaps of money to do that?)
- How do I even go about setting financial goals in the first place?
Join our expert facilitator in this practical, down-to-earth workshop about investing and maximizing your future wealth. All these questions will be answered, and you’ll also learn how to manage some of natural mental biases we all have that tend to derail our plans – that alone is worth coming along for!
This is the kind of financial education that will be easy to understand AND will provide you with tools and tips you can implement right away to start improving your financial wellbeing NOW.
Your future self will thank you!
Find Your Voice!
Find Your Voice is all about building confidence in communication and presenting. Most people don’t particularly enjoy being in front of the room or in front of the video camera, but your ability to communicate effectively is one of the key factors that will determine how successful you are in business.
This workshop provides you with techniques and tricks of the trade to help you ‘take the stage’ with confidence. Whether it’s one-to-one, facilitating a meeting, doing social media posts, or running webinars, you’ll learn to develop your presenting skills and style so you can become an authentic, confident and engaging speaker. This workshop focuses on YOU as a speaker and explores some of the following concepts:
- The power of our mindset and beliefs
- Pre-presentation preparation and success strategies
- Common causes of anxiety
- Identifying your style as a presenter
- Specific communication tips around body language, your voice, etc.
It’s a fun, value-packed LIVE session, so come prepared to learn and practice in a safe environment!
Project Me
This workshop is all about you and what you want both personally and professionally!
You can create the best strategy the world has ever seen, but if you don’t support that strategy with a mindset and a plan that aligns with what you REALLY want, success will continue to be just out of reach.
Our Project Me workshop is about refining your vision, incorporating your values, and uncovering the thoughts, beliefs and actions that do (or more importantly don’t) support your vision for your business this year.
Who you are being is essential to achieving what you want. It’s time to prioritize you and make yourself the most important project in your business!
Coming along to this workshop is about bringing your vision to life.
Time Management (or our anti-procrastination workshop!)
Want to become a Time Management Ninja – this is the workshop for you!
Our reason for doing what we do, is to serve our clients and give the BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE – right? So, it makes sense that one way we can do this is to maximise the time we are working in our business. Does that mean cramming heaps into every day – no, not necessarily. Does it mean multi-tasking like a fiend – again, no!
How do we maximise our precious time? Being more effective with your time means; crystal clear communication; learning how to prioritise your massive ‘to do’ list and practicing effective delegation.
Learn how to manage the ‘top 10’ distractions that kill your focus. In this full-on workshop, you’ll learn the ‘tricks of the trade’ and take away specific tools and techniques that will ensure you are effective and working smarter, rather than harder!
Seal the Deal
Sales are the lifeblood of every business; without them we would simply cease to exist.
- Do you have a sales process that you’ve documented and that you stick to every time?
- What has held you back from creating a sales process?
- How do you think having a process that you use consistently could help your business?”
People buy with their hearts, and then justify the purchase with their heads! Our potential clients are now savvier than ever, so we need to understand the value we add from their perspective.
- Do you know what your conversion rate is and how much activity you need to engage in to keep you sales pipeline full?
- Do you understand why you lose sales?
- How can you be sure your clients see value in what you have to offer?
As complicated as this all sounds, the secret is- it’s not. Come along and learn some ‘tricks of the trade’ that will help you set up and manage your sales process so that it feels real and natural, you’ll feel more confident as a salesperson and thus sales will happen naturally and easily.
Effective Communication (DISC)
News Flash! – People Are Different! Guess what – they’re predictably different.
Learn how to interact with clients and suppliers effectively and positively in order that it’s a win-win all round!
During this workshop you’ll identify patterns of behaviour using the DISC communication model, you can then begin to learn how to approach each conversation equipped with the knowledge of how to make it a great successful interaction! Specifically, you’ll walk away with knowledge:
- How to work more effectively with each style – reduce conflict and miscommunication.
- What the different styles are
- What each style needs
- What each style fears
- To appreciate differences
- How to integrate what you learn with your team and your clients
- Effective strategies for handling personality ‘clashes’
- How to improve your sales conversations with prospects based on what each style needs to move forward with you
As part of your sales training- this is an essential workshop!
The Keys to Successful Marketing
Do you sometimes feel as if you’re easy prey for the media marketing salespeople of the world because you don’t really know what to do to get more people through the door? Stop wasting your time and money on marketing!
In this workshop you’ll learn:
- Why relying on ‘word of mouth’ alone isn’t a sustainable marketing strategy.
- Why neglecting other forms of marketing is a rookie mistake and can be easily addressed for little to no money if necessary.
- Exactly WHO is your ideal target prospect and how to go about reaching them.
- The Pillars of Marketing and how you can choose which marketing channels might be right for YOUR business.
- There are so many ways you can spend money on marketing; find out what types of work for what purposes.
- Create your own marketing activity plan that you can implement straight away.
- You’ll walk away with a plan of action to tackle your marketing activity in an organised fashion.
The workshop will be focused on learning, discussion, practice, and networking – essential to any marketing plan!
Professional Branding
Your image is constantly telling others about you. In a professional world it’s important to put your best foot forward. When someone meets you for the first time in a business context your appearance has already primed them for their engagement with you. It delivers answers to them about your credibility, status, trustworthiness, and competence.
YOU are a living, breathing representation of your business brand, and we know that people buy from people, not businesses. Your personal brand needs to be carefully considered and executed so that it positions you as the right choice for your ideal prospects. If this seems daunting, don’t worry- we’ve got your back! Join us for this one-day intensive that will cover everything you need to consider when it comes to your professional image and presence in the marketplace.
Taking the time to meet people’s expectations often takes you past ‘go’ and straight to the bank! Is it time to up your game and become more intentional about how you present yourself and your business? If so, this workshop will be an eye-opener for you.

Bronwyn Gregory, Operations Manager